February 22, 2025

Balm Desert Bronzer/Blush by theBalm: In This Desert, It Rains Bronzer as well as blush

thebalm Balm Desert Bronzer/Blush $21

Is it a bronzer? wait — no. Is it a blush?


Actualmente, Balm Desert ($21) is both. It’s a new reddish tan deal with powder by theBalm that you can utilize as both. It works as a bronzer and/or a straight-up blush.

You might most likely likewise utilize it as a contouring shade, considering that it leans neutral/cool…

If you already scrolled down as well as saw the swatch, your pores may be freaking out ideal now since of what appears like a minor sheen, however tell them to chill out. Balm Desert looks a lot more matte in genuine life.

I’ve observed that theBalm’s powders have a light as well as fluffy high quality to ’em that makes them truly simple to blend. It likewise makes them difficult (also understood as “messy”) to work with at times, as well as Balm Desert’s the exact same way. Running a clean across the pan lifts a great deal of product, as well as messiness may ensue, however you can head it off by tapping your clean against something to discharge the excess.

thebalm Balm Desert, $21

thebalm Balm Desert, $21

A swatch of thebalm Balm Desert (for reference, as poo-sual, I’m an NC42 in MAC)
Balm Desert… Is that like a absolutely incredible desert?

Get it? That desert is so bomb?

Haha. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.


Balm Desert is offered now for $21 at theBalm counters as well as online.

Your friendly community appeal addict,


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